Questions and Answers

What are some of the health benefits I can expect by supplementing with BrainSense Essential Nutrients?
Taking BrainSense Essential Nutrients can prevent health problems by ensuring that you get the essential nutrients your body needs.* For example, BrainSense Essential Nutrients qualifies for nearly 50 different preventative health claims in Canada, a country with one of the most progressive natural health product regulations in the world.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help to promote healthy metabolism?
Yes. For example, in Canada, BrainSense Essential Nutrients qualifies for the following claims related to metabolism*:
Helps to maintain immune function.
Helps to support liver function.
Helps to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
Helps in the function of the thyroid gland.
Provides support for healthy glucose metabolism.
Helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Helps to form red blood cells and helps in their proper function.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help maintain healthy skin and other tissues?
Yes. For example, in Canada BrainSense Essential Nutrients qualifies for the following claims related to skin and tissue health*:
Helps in wound healing.
Helps in tissue formation.
Helps to maintain healthy skin.
Helps in connective tissue formation.
Helps to maintain proper muscle function.
Helps in the development and maintenance of night vision.
Helps to maintain eyesight, skin, membranes and immune function.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help in growth and development?
Yes. For example, in Canada, BrainSense Essential Nutrients qualifies for the following claims related to growth and development*:
Helps normal growth and development.
Helps in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus.
Helps in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.
Helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects when taken daily prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy.
Calcium intake, when combined with sufficient vitamin D, a healthy diet and regular exercise, may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help to prevent vitamin deficiencies?
Yes. For example, in Canada BrainSense Essential Nutrients qualifies for the following claims related to preventing vitamin deficiencies*:
Helps to prevent vitamin A deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin C deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin E deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin K deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin B6 deficiency.
Helps to prevent vitamin B12 deficiency.
Helps to prevent biotin deficiency.
Helps to prevent folate deficiency.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help to prevent mineral deficiencies?
Yes. For example, in Canada, BrainSense Essential Nutrients qualifies for the following claims related to preventing mineral deficiencies*:
Helps to prevent iodine deficiency.
Helps to prevent copper deficiency.
Helps to prevent chromium deficiency.
Helps to prevent manganese deficiency.
Helps to prevent molybdenum deficiency.
Helps to prevent selenium deficiency.
Helps to prevent zinc deficiency.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients support brain health?
Yes. Many nutrients play a role in the structure and function of the brain. An impressive amount of research has revealed the powerful influence of high quality essential nutrients on the brain, affecting every aspect of function from mood to body systems and intellectual capacity.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help with my daily stress and mood?
Yes. The proprietary mineral blend in BrainSense Essential Nutrients has been extensively studied by independent researchers and refined in clinical practice for over 15 years. Its impressive effects on stress and mood have been published in medical journals around the world.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients make up for unhealthy eating?
No. BrainSense Essential Nutrients supplies essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, but your body needs more than this to stay healthy. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains also contain fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals which help keep you healthy.
Can BrainSense Essential Nutrients help to control my weight?
No, not directly. However, BrainSense Essential Nutrients can help support healthy weight loss by providing nutrients for healthy metabolism and helping you feel energized.